Saturday, 21 December 2013

Inavir approved for use in prevention in Japan

which is nice. It took just over a year for approval. The trials supporting the application were adequate, but from memory the first trial influenza season was influenced by the low rate of influenza spread in family contacts in the controls and it had to be extended another year.

Despite the efforts of NSA, it appears odd that the announcement came after the end of trading on Friday. This is despite news wires reporting the approval  hours earlier. Maybe confirmation needed to be made in writing by a certain DS official: but hours of good frothy trading were lost.

Having said that, the approval is good news but will make little material impact on earnings. Inavir would have been bought into the Japanese stockpile in any event, but this might see it extend favoritism past Tamiflu on effectiveness and convenience. Cost remains an issue.

Again, the froth will probably be blown off the share price in short time, unless bigger players start to become interested.

Hopefully, the next BOTA announcement with Daiichi Sankyo mentioned will be the most important: the details of the ROW royalty arrangement. It is extremely important that this occurs in a timely way and on terms favourable to BOTA.

A legal case around ROW Inavir rights would be terrible.

Have a Happy Christmas. The year to come holds promise for BOTA, but I've thought that every year for the last 10.

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