Wednesday 7 May 2014

It's deja vu all over again

Well we've been here before so many times that it seems weirdly familiar.

BOTA back to (basically a little above) cash backing. Back to immediately pre-Nasdaq ASX dumping and shorting lows.

There might even be a few of you out there who experienced the FDA antiviral subcommittee's rejection of Relenza last century. Now that was also unexpected and the market reaction re-entry into the atmosphere without the little parachute at the end. Or the water.

 Maybe this time through no fault of it's own.

Today's quarterly results and conference call were useful. Clear statements that BARDA had been kept abreast of all developments with the LANI contract as they arose, from the beginning. Amazing to learn that the scheduled management input into the IPR involved a single 45 minute presentation. A. Single. 45 minute. Talk.
This should remind you all that powerpoint can kill.

Didn't tell us if the project actually was overbudget. I doubt it. I wondered if the extension of Phase 2 required extra money.

Everything other than BARDA stopping the contract was just dandy. Cash in the bank, courtesy of less spending and more royalties. Other programs chugging along.

Phase 2 results expected out in the next quarter. If they show what's expected, we could have expected a significant SP rise.

My guess is that DS sales of Inavir in March quarter to be released on 15th May will be really good.

That would also have pushed us along.

So would the release of the new shareholders who came on board during the capital raising in January - that's due out next week.

One concern even if BARDA continue their support is that it's not clear whether any trials can get underway this Northern winter.

No word on the DS ROW negotiations.

But on that, I scratch my head. Why would DS not ignore any deal, throw in an unsolicited offer for the company and replicate its Japan earnings in the US? BOTA's valuation is just criminally low right now. Considering how DS were monumentally #%&@ed by Ranbaxy, this would be both chickenfeed and a great value adding buy.

So, we wait for others to decide our fate. That's always the case with biotech to some extent, but this is extreme.

As you all know, I would have sold the ROW rights with the BARDA cash 3 years ago. Too late for that. Let's see what BARDA/FDA dream up. Might be this week, might not be.

I hope this the price that one day the press will write about: that the stock was $3 in 2014 after the BARDA stop order, before the company was sold for ??? at that magical time in the future.

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